The Grammar is a Key
Doing Jurik Malam
Yesterday i did some agenda at Darus-Sunnah Competition that implemented by Madrasah Darus-Sunnah. In this program i become a jury at Establishing Tent. As i through yesterday, i've valued all of scout team when them building a tent, and from amount team in there, i chose Konoha Team because their tent is so simple and clean and tasted for looking.
Last night we did Jurik Malam program with all of student at DSC progam. Jurik Malam is refer to one program that all of DSC team walking together thorugh some station that keeped by two tutor from DSC Commitee and at each of station there is one task or some duty that must do by each of team. Them walking go around Situ Gintung place. And me placed at fourth station at Taman Kuburan Pisangan Barat for keeping that sation. In this area i must ensure each of team to searching two grave that i spell both name to them, both name are Syarifuddin bin Sulaiman (1997) and Juhendra bin Umar. And the excited things are there is some student whom scared when he going to grave park. And, sure, before that i choose two of them for entering first as a banchmark that his friend in team can know a border for place searching.
My Plan for Enhancing English Skill
Beside what i've told to you above, my big plan in my life is mastering english. For achieving it i stil doing some steps that adviced from expert. I enhancing and increasing my english skill with reading activity, listening some video in english, writing in english, translating ideas to english expression, understanding some text in english, etc. The important thing, as i know form some videos they i've watched it, we must thinking eveything in english frame. Everthing we want do that, whether reading, googling, youtubing, understanding, make them into english frame, more familiar we make english in our daily activity more we easily mastering english language.
Grammar is a Key
I know, like Nahwu and Sorrof in Arabic language, learning and understanding grammar in english is basic and important thing we must mastering it, if we want become master in this language. Therefore i leaarn a grammar science. I take autodidac methode like download and reading some grammar book, like i watch the video on youtube that provide grammar matery in their channel.
And eventually, today, in this morning, one of my friend offer to me the good course in this field. Without doubt and waiting for long time, i enroll this online course that provided by Central Course, it is one of class provider in Kampung Inggris Pare. I join this class as quickly as possible because, refer to information for his admin, this class left 4 kuota in this class.
I join a basic grammar class that held at 4 April 2022 soon. This program consist form 20 meetings that held at 16.30-17.30 WIB in one month. Beside that, we to get e-book and e-certificate from this class. As we know from expert stetement that for mastering one hobbies or thing we must spend amount of money for getting our goals.
Reportation form Daily Goals
Alhamdulillah, today i can doing my daily goals as efective as possible. But, because one or more things, until this noon i just did one goals in writing in english. Beside that, for other goals, i didnt it. And i want do it after i close this writing. Ok see you, i want complete my other daily goals as more as possible. Thanks.
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