Pursuing Our Dream
All Of Us Have an Opportunity to Succes
As we know, all of us have a same time each other. We have equality in this case, we have a same chance for achieving our goals. Whether me, you, Azyumardi Azra, Quraish Shihab, Anies Baswedan Maudy Ayunda, all of us have same an opportunity in readiness of time, we have 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week.
Therefore, arise in my brain why we don't like them the succes people? More i think, more i get the answer that the problem not in a time that provided to us, but on how we doing better for utilise an opportunity we have it. Whether we and them its same as human who has 24 hours in a day, but on how we utilise this a chance, this that make we are diferene. If they can utilise an opportunity for doing useful acitivities and added by their commitment for never give up in their procces, while that, we always didnt awake and aware for this opportunity, we lose it and forget this big chance given to us. Astaghfirullah. These what make us difference with them.
Maudy Stories (Her Inspiring Stories Based on Wikipedia)
For instance, there is Maudy Ayunda story. As we know, she is a beauty girl and a famous girl in our country Indonesia. She as an actress and best singer around our country have troughout her life for 27 year. Me and She is same in amount of age, but we have different circumstances. Wkwk. Because, maybe, she early know than me on how to be mindfulness in big things that named by Pursuing a dream.
I didnt say that because a privillege that she get it from her family, but, conscious or onconscious, that big problem for our awareness for pursuing our dream, for a knowledge that told our opportunity is same with them. We just need an awareness and awakeness that told our ability for pursuing our dream, for pursuing our purpose, for pursuing our happines. Despite, for achieve it, we need to a family can encourage us for get it. Despite also, that not everything all we need. Basically, we just need to know the knowledge that suggest us that we have same opprtunity for pursuing a dream.
If we look at her (Maudy Ayunda) biography in Wikipedia, in link i put it above, in her age now, she has get many things that become her dream. She have graduated at Oxford and Stanfor University, both the best unveristy in the world that i realy realy can go there, with scholarship program. And then, she has get some dream for achieving her dream in music, film, etc. And she now, as told by Wikipedia, "currently happily enjoying her life while pursuing her dream". Its so cute!
Great Strategies and Consistency Both the Key of Achieving Our Dreams
From what i've told to you, i think what adivce for us that tell us a stragies for become like them. I suggest to my self that the secret of this a big achievement they have it is on how we make a great strategy and we consistancy for fulfill it. A strategy and consistancy both the key for achieving and pursuing a dream.
Therefore, from today and for next day, i must commit to my self for making best strategy on how i achieve my dream as effective as possible. I must make a daily achievement and realize it as maximal as possible. Fortunately, i've learnt Atomic Habits that big theory that suggested by James Clear in his book and his website. Atomic Habits is a theory suggest to us how tiny changes, tiny effort, and tiny achievement, that we do it for consitency, make us have a remarkable result.
Just utilize this Atomic Habits teory and adding with best strategy, we can achieve and pursue our goals in our life. Insyaallah.
Me and Daily Goals (A Reflection)
On discussion that linked by what i told above, i want reflect little my commitment for pursuing these things. Huft.
Basically, and exactly, i'm become fortunate and happily because until now we can fulfill my daily goal with best fulfilling. Each day i stive as maximal as possible to fulfillling a daily goal list that i put at Google keep, and Alhamdulillah i get it. I grtatitude for all of my effort in this achievement. But there is things make me anxiety, i feel i need increase my strategy for best result. Especially for my dream in matering english.
For achieving my dream to matering english, i'll do best and better than yesterday. I feel, now, as i troughut the day, i feel more need become master in english. Therefore, i think, i will to pay amount of money for fulfill this my willpower. And i get the good think for make this easier, i must make a specially daily list goals for my dream to mastaering english. Bismillah!
As you know, my big dream is going out from this country and i enjoy and relish my life, whether for study or vacation or spending my own life, in western country. Hihi. May Allah answer my dua. Amen.
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