Journalling and Urgenty of Consistancy
My Activities Today
Alhamdulillah, today i'm so happy because i can do many things fo fulfilling my day. I believe the statement that said the more you bussy the more you go to better result, despite i'am heard to the good statement that adhered at Dedy Corbuzer Podcast Room Wall, "Dont be Bussy, Just be Productive.". Forethat i believe that is better we can do some things producitive until we bussy at producitive things.
Today, i did some programs in Darus-Sunnah. I followed a big anually program in Madrasah Darus-Sunnah, he is Darus-Sunnah Scout Competition. This pogram allow to all participant for camping, estabilishing tent and doing some agendas in scouting, encompass competition skill and others.
My Big Dream
I've a big dream. I've a big goal i must achieve it. My dream is matering english, become smart, become productive and be mindfulness for everything i do it. I must will doing hardwork for achieve and get it. I believe a big things that we want get it is achieveable. Everthing we can imagine it is real. We just need a big and smart strategies for achieving it.
A Few Tips For Achieving My Own Dream
For instance i want becoma a smart people, so i must read moer books for adding my knowledge everyday. The more pages i've read it, the more near i becoma smart, because reading is a key of became smart. Other example, for became master in english i must doing a few experiences daily for increase my english skill, whether reading skill, listening skill, writing skill, etc. I'am so happy i've i can mastering this skill, because i'am on awakeness that mastering english today is a key to get any knowledge and goals you want it. Mastering english today become a main skill we must matsering it.
Other example, i want become a mindfulness man. Mindfulness, as we know, is a awakeness for what we do at present. Mindulness is awareness for our present. Forethat i read a books and watch some videos about mindfulness for enhancing my skill for mastering it.
For achieving these dreams i use a system that founded and viraled from one best author book, James Clear. In his good system that he introduce it, Atomic Habits Theory, he suggested that a big dream and goals can we achieve it with a daily habits. Daily habits, as he suggested it, is our strive and struggle to make a big dream and achievement into a tiny pieces. With dividing a big dream into tiny pieces we hope can achieving a remarkable result, like his jargon we can look it at his cover book, "Tiny Changes Remarkable Result."
My evaluation that i notice it :
1. I must be connsistancy for achieveing my daily goals, and as James Advice to us whose want apply a daily habit, we must do journalling for our daily goals and be consistence for fulfill it. This, without doubt, is a key for suceed our planing.
2. I must contemplating and instropecty my daily habits and think hard for finding best strategies for achieving my goals.
Bismillah for everything i want start it.
Alhamdulillah for everthing that i achieved it.
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