April 08, 2022 -
English Learning
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Filosofi Teras Teach Us ....
The Real Enjoyment in Our Daily Life is Nothing Willingness in Our Life
Henry Manampiring, as author of Filosofi Teras, advice in his book that more desire in our life, sometimes, make us unhappy. This was reasonable, because a rich people, actually, that who doesnt have more desire in his life. The real enjoyment in our life is gained we didnt have more desire in our life.
This doesnt make us resigned from all what happened in our life. Nope. This advice suggest us for dont panic and pesimist if we dont gain all of not undercontrol. If we look a rich man and we become enjoy, dont underestimate it, this feel is amazing. When people became sadness and destroyed because he can not pursue rich like his idol, we still enjoy while that. This feel, the real enjoyment for accept our really circumstances and dont be jealous over for what we cant pursue it, a big given from god we must grateful it.
All Happened in This World is Neutral, We Give It Value : Whether Positive or Negative Value
"It is not things that trouble us, but our judgment about things." (Epicetus). This advice, one of FT advice us, that teach us about how all of happened in this life, in the truth, is netral, neither has negative nor positive value/judgment.
Everything that heppened into our life, in reality, is netral. We whose has responsibilty to value it as posistive or negative things. So, With FT, we can design our life up to us.
In Order Againts Bad Fast Respon We Must Apply STAR
In Order to against bad fast respond that happened toward our life, we must think clearly when we facing it. Our soul, sometime, is on unstable condition, whether on sadness or angry or over happy. These conditions, sometimes, make us decide wrong decision. Therefore we must apply this advice that tought at FT : STAR
STAR is abreviaton of Stop, Asses, Thinking, Respond. When we faced by bad situation-whether angry or sadness or another unstable circumstances, we must stop first for doing anything. After that we think clearly and asses that problem in front of, how we step as wise as possible. After that, if we can apply all above, we respond it wisely and calmly. This best step for solving unstable condiiton.
These Steps On How Do Not Make Lebay Attitude
Sometimes we do Lebay for our problem that heppened in our life. On other hand, FT teach us for doing calmly and just normally for every trouble that happened. In additon of this concept we must considered these things. Steps for We Do Not Make Lebay Attitude are :
1. Nothing new on this world
This thing reffering to our mind shaped that all of what happened in this world is not new. Those have happened before this era. So dont panic and be enjoyment.
2. View from Above
This think reffering to our mind shaped that if we look ourself from above, even from space, we suggested that what we feel from badnes thins is no nothing, if compared with all of sadness that happened around the world. Our sickness, disease, illness, can seem biggest because we have seen bigger than we feel. So, dont lebay.
3. All are will forgotten
All pain that happened is forgotten, some day. There fore dont sad ever for our lost. The happines will become and replace sadness.
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