Filosofi Teras Teach Us .... (2)
Not Just Accept A Present, But Love It
FT taught that if there is something happened in our life, and that badness, dont be complain more, just accept it and love it. Sometimes, in our life, badness things happened toward us. Like jump traffic when we will go office, failure in class, etc, actually, instead we ignore them and dont acknowledge them, we must accep it as a part of our life. Accept it, even enjoy it. With this feel we become happy and enjoying our life. Believe me.
Premeditatio Malorum : Why We Must Think Negative Things Predictly
This prinsipe wich has taugh by FT explained that we must think everyday about badness and negative things that will be happened in order shape our mind become calmly and joyously facing it, when if them really come. This thing like prevetive step before we facing the real badness. Purpose of this mindset is making ourself dont suprise when we facing bad fate.
Henry Said, "Awali setiap hari dengan berkata pada diri sendiri : hari ini saya akan menemui gangguan, orang-orang yang tidak tahu berterimakasih, hinaan, ketidaksetiaan, niat buruk, dan keegoisan-semua itu karena pelakunya tidak mengerti (ignorant) apa yang baik dan buruk. Saya tidak bisa disakiti oleh itu semua, karena tidak ada orang yang bisa menjerumuskan saya ke dalam pebruatan buruk, dan saya mampu untuk tidak menjadi marah atau membenci sesama saya: karena sesungguhnya kita dilahirkan ke dunia ini untuk bekerjasama." (Metidations)
Dont be Complicated, Be Calm
"(kamu mendapatkan) ketimun pahit? Ya buang saja. Ada semak berduri di jalan setapak yang kamu lalui? Ya berputar saja. Itu saja yang kamu perlu tahu. Jangan menuntut penjelasan, 'Kenapa ada hal yang tidak menyenangkan ini?' Mereka yang mengerti sesungguhnya dunia seperti apa akan menertawakanmu, seperti tukang kayu yang melihat kamu kaget karena banyak debu hasil gergaji di tempat kerjanya, atau tukang sepatu melihat kamu kaget karena banyak sampah kulit sisa (di tempat kerjanya)." (Marcus Aurelius-Meditations)
This teach us to become simple dan be complicated. People who distracted with tiny things like complaining how his environment become like this, how cat can running fast even though dosent take a bath, how she can walk with him, etc, these things we must ignore it to distract ourself. We must focus on one things and ignore and indefferent another things that is not worth our time to respond it. We must say like Gus Dur said, "Gitu aja kok repot!"
A Rich Man are Dont Want More
"Its not the man who has too litle, but the man who craves more, that is poor." (Letters) This quote explain to us that we must be rich people on the really fram. The rich people who has enough in himself, he dont craves more what he didnt get it, striving that not under his control. With that we become rich, not poor.
Amor Fati : Love Faith
However, love you fate. With that you will be free and dont distracted to tiny things that call and invite your for thinking about everything you cant control it. Fate, somehow, given from god without our agreement. There is goodness and badness. Our duty is accept its all like what are they and judge them as possitive as possible.
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