Even More About Filosofi Teras
Filosofi Teras Taught Us These ....
Journalling of Gratitude
Journalling of Gratitude is one movement for grateefuling all that given to us. Consciously or unconsciously, we have many things that must we enjoy with them. Therefore we must write it as evidence our shape of gratitude to the creator Allah Swt for all we have get it. Many artist, famous people, entrepenur, etc doing this activities, as compound by James Clear on his website here ... https://jamesclear.com/journaling-one-sentence . Furthermore he write,
"Journaling is simply the act of thinking about your life and writing it down. That’s it. Nothing more is needed. But despite its simplicity, the daily journal has played a key role in the careers of many prolific people."
Look at the big picture
This scene taught us that at tiny things that happened in my life there is a big picture behind it, and obliged to us for seeing and paying our atention to the big picture dont stuck with small things that can distract our main purpose. For instance, we want go to Ciputat with motorcycle and in middle of way we get tiny accident like there is person making a ridicolous to us, in essence we dont stuck with taking care more with him, just leave him and we continue our journey, our big and main purpose, that going to Ciputat.
Penghinaan hanya terjadi berdasarkan kesepakatan dua orang
Filosofi Teras taught as that the insolence just happened with approval between performer and victim. If there is person insult other and the other accept what said by a performer and insert all of bad saying from him, happened insolence, otherwise, if there is person insult other and the one that insulted didnot accept what said the insolence not happened. All value that come from outside come with our permit and that framed by our judgment on those reality. Be carefull and live slowly.
Kasihanilah keterbatasan sudut pandang orang jahat
Fortunately, you as a good person must look the others wisely. The bad person they become like that because their weakness for looking fully the others. Their ability on looking entire caracther those they hate it is become from their weakness for judgment a real picture, they have not look the others with big picture. So, understand them and dont insert deeply and profoundly all they existed to us. They become like that just because thei weakness, have mercy on them for their debility on seeing real picture.
Parenting : Jangan memarahi anakmu terlalu sering dan beri dia kesempatan untuk memilih
Henry Manampiring insert this scene in his book. He inserted the relation bertween stoicism and skill of parenting. This relation existed from his interview with psycologh of childern, ..... . Main ideas from this interview is on our parenting journey there is many things that the parents cant control it, we behave normally. Stoicism, as we know, teach there is many things on outside us we can control it.
And then, that is must we practice it on our skill, we cant scold often to our children. If our children made a mistake dont scold them for every mistake they made it, forgive them and explain the the true instead we scold them very often that can made our children have bad atitude like always feel guilty, infeiority, etx. Train from child to our children for take responsibility on their choice. Give them for choosing their way/their play, and order them to take responsibilty from all they have take it. And we must give them deliberation the best for them.
Jika ia bukan saudaramu dalam iman, maka ia saudaramu dalam kemanusiaan (Ali bin Abi Thalib)
Filosofi Teras also teach us from looking others like brother and sister. We as citizen world, in essence, are in brotherhood. Imam Ali Said, "If he does not your brother/sister in faith, he your brother/sister in humanity." We must pay attention to this. We as citizen world ordered to feel what others feel. Our brother busines is our business, that why we dont ignore and neglect big problem befall the citizen world like change climate, disaster etc.
Kutipan menarik dalam bab "Berdamailah dengan Kematian"
Death or mortality is dark scene that discussed on Filosofi Teras book. Henry said Filosofi Teras remind us for facing deat calmly and wisely. All of us will death, the one thing that we must give highlight on it is how we facing him with beest preparation.
Marcus Aurelius is Said,
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