Blink Atomic Habits
Today i've read some pages of Blink book that wrote by Malcom Gladwell. Alhamdulillah, today is my first day at home after i come in into my holiday, and in this first i can fulfil my daily goal as effective as possible. My daily goals like writing, reading, learning english, etc can i acomplish it fully. This effort based on my mind that advice that daily habits must be realize, if we want get the best result.
Purpose Why This Book Wrote
As i say at prefarce above, i've read a book under title Blink. This book presented about Snap Judgment. Snap Judgment reffer to our to valua an object trough glance seeing on it and how make it as habit. A writer teach trough this book that some people, who has exercise him self with one object and immerse it can achieve this ability of snap judgment. In this case, he give example from many sources that suggest the practice from snap judgment.
How Two Second can Effect Our Decision
The ability of snap judgment meant the power of making decision as soon as possible. Who has this power can decide and choose from many options in his life with martury and adulity. Making good decision is one of skill that we must have in our live.
Blink and Atomic Habits
Atomic Habits theory taught that making decision must be reflectly. This ability need more exercises that can made a skill improved by ourselves.
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